Saturday, March 19, 2005

Is God telling the G.I.R.L.S something?

Okay I thought I would just share this cool thing with you.

We have this discount book bin at work and I was walking past it yesterday when I just happen to look down and the journal to The Purpose Driven Life was staring back up at me. So I bought it. I always wanted to read that book but never had the extra cash (I still don't but something told me I had to for $8:99.). I figured that I was going to be in Abby after work anyway so I would drop by House of James before returning home. I got to House of James at about .....5:30ish and surprise, the book was on sale too. Yeah I bought it. Fast forward to today.

Misty called me and told me that she had the perfect book to do next in our study. Apparently Chelly and her were at superstore yesterday and saw this book on sale and they both bought it at about 5:30ish. I asked her what book she bought at the exact time I bought mine and she said.........The Purpose Driven Life.
I didn't believe her at first but then I thought how would she know I bought it. I told her I bought it to and we came to the conclusion that I had to tell Chelly. So I call Chelly and say"guess what I did yesterday" and perceeded to tell her the story and she laughed. The real cool part is that book has never come up in any of our discussions so none of us knew we were even intrested in the book.
I think God might want us to do this one next.

Monday, March 14, 2005


I have come to the conclusion over the past........couple of months that I am extremely blessed with loving people in my life. I have always had a BIG trust issue with people.......(maybe that's my wall)
I have always hung on to the thought that the only person I can count on in life is; can anyone guess?; Me. Trust for me became an issue not so much because of situations I was placed in but because I let it. Sure there were people that helped make it an issue. As I grow in God, I notice how many wonderful people he has put in my path and I am beginning to take that wall down one brick at a time. I am not writing this to vent or anything. I am simply writing this because I want all of you to know just how much you mean to me. I am so very grateful I have each and everyone of you. I am thankful God gave me you to help me grow in Him and be the person I am meant to be. Someone told me not to long ago that I have changed. He said I was more fun and free. I think it is because I am talking to people and letting them in and in return God is using these people to help me get rid off the garbage I have been carrying around for so long. I have said this before and it still sounds......I don't know the right words but, I will say it like this. I would not be where I am today if God did not use these people and the situations he puts me in to bring me closer to him, I am now just fully trusting him and that was a big step.
I also have never been so open with people as I am becoming with some. It scares me a little but at the same time it feels like a big weight has been lifted.
So again thank you all for being there when I need you and helping me see who God wants me to be. I love you guys.