My fear is gone.....for now
Okay so you know how afraid of heights I am? Well I decided I would try my hand at the Calgary Tower. I was preparing myself all week for the fear that would overcome me because not only is the tower really high but it has a glass floor. So as much as I readied myself for this attempt I was kinda shaking by the time I could see the tower. So anyway, we get to the entrance and it says on the door that the tower is closed for a private function. My first thought was…..WHEW! Then I got to thinking. Now I have to do it all again. Will I have the nerve to attempt it again? You know how you get yourself ready to do something and then you have to wait for another opportunity. Then when that opportunity comes along you chicken out. What if that is what I do? I am determined to conquer this height fear I have. I am tired of fear controlling me. Aren’t you? I found a good way of doing that. Turn the tables on fear. Find the one thing you can focus on instead of the fear. For example, I was at this canyon with my boyfriend and the walkways are nothing more than a bridge jutting out of the rock. There I not much to support it. Plus it shakes and you can see the water running underneath you in some parts. I started to get nervous like I do but instead of stopping and giving in to the fear of the height, I would reach for my boyfriend, resting in the comfort that I was safe with him. I know that he would stop at nothing to keep me from harm and I could relax in knowing that. So now, I am looking forward to going to the tower with him because I am no longer afraid. It has been a long time since I have let go of fear and I am wondering why I didn't do it sooner but I know why..........