Monday, March 14, 2005


I have come to the conclusion over the past........couple of months that I am extremely blessed with loving people in my life. I have always had a BIG trust issue with people.......(maybe that's my wall)
I have always hung on to the thought that the only person I can count on in life is; can anyone guess?; Me. Trust for me became an issue not so much because of situations I was placed in but because I let it. Sure there were people that helped make it an issue. As I grow in God, I notice how many wonderful people he has put in my path and I am beginning to take that wall down one brick at a time. I am not writing this to vent or anything. I am simply writing this because I want all of you to know just how much you mean to me. I am so very grateful I have each and everyone of you. I am thankful God gave me you to help me grow in Him and be the person I am meant to be. Someone told me not to long ago that I have changed. He said I was more fun and free. I think it is because I am talking to people and letting them in and in return God is using these people to help me get rid off the garbage I have been carrying around for so long. I have said this before and it still sounds......I don't know the right words but, I will say it like this. I would not be where I am today if God did not use these people and the situations he puts me in to bring me closer to him, I am now just fully trusting him and that was a big step.
I also have never been so open with people as I am becoming with some. It scares me a little but at the same time it feels like a big weight has been lifted.
So again thank you all for being there when I need you and helping me see who God wants me to be. I love you guys.


Blogger Miss-buggy said...

I know that there is no way I would be where I am now without the people He has put into my path. Without the people who help[ed me to start the journey. It is a great feeling hey?
The great thing: Not only is He "using",for lack of better term, others to help you in your journey but He is also using you to help others. What goes around comes around.
I love God! It is so great how he works things out.

9:09 a.m.  
Blogger Kaylyn said...

I love you lots chicky!!! Brayden loves you lots!! I am here for you too!

10:43 a.m.  
Blogger Michelle said...

God gives you the people(and everything) that you need when you need it. It's so amazing. You are so loved!!

3:49 p.m.  
Blogger Susan Kirchmayer said...

get the sledge hammer - let's tear down those walls......

4:26 p.m.  
Blogger Miss-buggy said...

The whole thought of tearing down the walls is pretty intimidating. I kinda find comfort in those walls. Although I shouldn't and I should rely on Christ.
But hey - who said that we wouldn't be stepping out and over those walls.

5:46 p.m.  

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