Friday, November 04, 2005

I have had a lot on my mind this week. I have hurt a friend in a way I never wanted to and know there is nothing that can be done to fix it. It's days like this where I just wish I could take a mulligan. You know a do over. I never imagined I would hurt so bad for telling someone how I felt, honestly. I have those days with God too. Days where I know I have done something that does not Glorify Him and coming to confess them hurts me so much because I am ashamed and disappointed in myself. I feel like I have let God down and hurt Him in a way I would have never wanted to. That to me feels like I have betrayed Him. That is the worst feeling for me. I know He loves me not matter what I say or do, but the knowledge of my actions speaks louder sometimes. These last couple of days have been like that, I feel like I have let people down and nothing I can do or could do will make it better. I would like to take that mulligan now please. I am getting better at trusting God in all my achievements and my struggles, knowing that He is the one I can always run to and talk to. God is the one solid thing in my life and nothing I say or do will change this relationship. I wish all relationships were like that.


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