Saturday, September 24, 2005

I was reading....yes I do that

Okay so I was reading in the paper the other day, that most of these people in the wake of the hurricane will not be covered by insurance because it is an act of God. I am wandering how many of these insurance companies actually believe in God when they don't have to pay money. Or am I just being naive here? To me this sounds like they are bending God to their conveniences. I know it is their policy, but it is a really dumb one. It kinda makes me mad when people walk around everywhere denying Him until they have to do something they don't want to do. Then they put the blame on Him. I got news for you people... He is real all the time, not just when you want Him to be. Trust me, I tried living like this, it doesn't work! I would live my life, not much different that I did before becoming a Christian. It isn't until just recently that I really stopped playing the games and fully gave my life to God. I don't live like I use to at all and you know what? I would just think, every time I would do something I knew was not the was God would want me to do it, I was denying Him. That would stop me in my tracks. Now I feel great. Until I heard about this. I can't understand how people can say He is real in one minute and then deny Him the next. The way I see it, people like that should be covered for stuff they cannot control. In situations like this hurricane some people lost everything and instead of turning your backs on them you should be helping them. My work has even gotten involved and for that I am very proud of Save on Foods. I pray for those people in New Orleans. I just hope that those people that are trying to twist God to suit their own needs will see the error of their ways. I am prying for you too.


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